Author: Gurudas

Channeled from Hilarion through Jon C. Fox

This trance channeled material provides a detailed description of the spiritual effects that herbs have on people. Over 100 Western and Chinese herbs are presented. Topics reviewed include:

"Gurudas has brought together a wide body of important plant research from some of the greatest minds in history, both living and departed. His orderly style and clear concise approach to the subject should please sage, savant and scholar alike. As a respected scientist in my own right, I heartily recommend this volume to all earnest seekers of truth everywhere."

- Dr. John Heinerman, Ph.D.

Medical Anthropologist

Dir. Anthropological Research Center

"This book is a much awaited, unique and excellent addition to the budding field of spritual nutrition."

- Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Author of Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet

"This book may very well keep you alive into the 21st century."

- Stephen Langer, M.D.

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